If you have back pain or neck pain, the discomfort can limit your mobility and prevent you from participating in the hobbies you enjoy. At Advanced Chiropractic Center in Nacogdoches, TX, we offer various treatments to alleviate your aches and improve your well-being. Before visiting us, learn about five common chiropractic techniques that can be effective for back pain and beck pain below:

Spinal Manipulation

Also known as an adjustment, spinal manipulation is the most common chiropractic technique. During the treatment, a controlled force is applied to the spinal joints that are not functioning properly. Along with that, the adjustments ensure that the vertebrae are in alignment and help improve your range of motion.

Instrument-Assisted Adjustment

Our chiropractor uses a handheld instrument to provide gentle and precise adjustments to the spine. The instrument has a rounded tip, which is tapped along the spine to realign the vertebral joints. With this method, we can provide adjustments to patients who may not be able to tolerate manual manipulations.


This method involves a specialized table that gently distracts or separates the spine, which relieves pressure off of the discs and nerves. While the table distracts the spine, our chiropractor uses gentle pumping motions along the spine to mobilize the joints. This technique can also be helpful if you have a herniated disc.

Trigger Point Therapy

Our chiropractor may apply pressure to tense muscle knots known as trigger points. These trigger points can cause referred pain in other parts of the body. Applying sustained pressure to these knots can help relieve any pain you may be experiencing.

Graston Technique

During this technique, we utilize stainless steel tools to massage the muscles and release adhesions. The treatment also helps your muscles function properly and improves range of motion.

Contact us for an Appointment Today!

If you’re experiencing back pain or neck pain that is not going away, let our team at Advanced Chiropractic Center in Nacogdoches, TX, help. We will create a personalized treatment plan that will ease your symptoms so you can return to your normal routine. To schedule your appointment, call us at (936) 560-5441 today. When you need a chiropractor near me, we are happy to assist!